Summer pictures, sweet boredom
It's the summer.
The heat is intense and walks are shorter.

Time is standing still, frozen.
I'm taking fewer pictures, I don't feel as much urge to do so.

I like this time of the year.

August and the touristic frenzy that goes with it is ending.

The Heat is going to stay a while, it'll be softer.

I'll be able to wander again.

I was still able to go on a few little trips, to Paris, Montpellier and Nice.
Moving around, changing locations, wandering in environment that are less familiar is always stimulating. I took more pictures during those times.
It's my first post in this blog.
it's an exercise that's quite difficult.
Facing the blank page and having to think about something to say.
It's quite different from photography, I'm not reacting on the spot to an outside stimuli.
I have to take the time to reflect.
But as I said previously, the heat has frozen time.
It has also frozen my thoughts.

I'll keep trying to formulate my thoughts on photography in the near future.
In the next post I'll talk about the short trips I took during the summer, galeries I visited and the beautiful photo books I acquired.
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